Editing + Settings
Does Respondus 4 support question types unique to the specific LMS?
Does Respondus support "calculated" or "algorithmic" questions?
Can the answers of multiple choice questions be randomized?
How do I replace the Equation Editor in Respondus 4 with MathType?
How can international characters be entered into Respondus 4?
Metadata in Respondus 4
How do I delete a large number of questions from a Respondus 4 file?
What is the maximum number of answer choices a multiple choice question can have?
Can questions be randomly selected during an exam?
Is there a way to assign new point values to questions in a Respondus 4 file without having to "modify" each question from the Edit menu?
An error occurs when I select the Equation Editor from the Respondus 4 toolbar.
Are non-English dictionaries available for the Spell Check task?