If you experience a white screen or crash when logging in to your school's Learning Management System (LMS) via LockDown Browser, it is possible your LMS homepage contains large image files. It's also possible that the student photo/avatar for your profile is too large.
Your login to the LMS might go well, but if the problem occurs when you navigate to your course's homepage then large images might reside there.
LockDown Browser does not cache images (like a standard browser does) and overly large images can result in problems with LockDown Browser loading the page. These large files also increase server load and bandwidth, potentially resulting in sluggish server behavior even when using standard browsers.
If you are a student, we recommend that you first investigate the size of the avatar for your profile. Remove or resize it and see if the problem is resolved.
For administrators and faculty, investigate each image on the LMS homepage and course pages. A best practice is to reduce all images to 40-100kb in size.