The above errors typically occur because of one of the following:
1) The course is a copy, and the instructor did not open the LDB Dashboard once before students began taking exams.
2) The course is not a copy, but the quiz in question was migrated into the course from an old course, and the instructor did not open the LDB Dashboard once before students began taking that exam.
3) If the D2L Brightspace LMS is being used, the course may have the old legacy LDB settings for the quiz (via the restrictions tab), but the quiz title needs to be updated to include our title amendment (-requires Respondus LockDown Browser).
4) If the D2L Brightspace LMS is being used, the error may be caused by LockDown Browser settings not saving correctly for the quiz. This can be caused by a "null" or an empty value in the D2L "Message" field. This field permits you to have a message presented to students upon test submission. Instructors can see this field by navigating to the course and quiz, then following this click path: Edit Quiz->Submissions Views tab->Default View->View Properties->"Message". The quickest way to resolve the problem is to enter some text (even a blank space using the space key) in the "Message" field and save the quiz again. Then open the LockDown Browser Dashboard again, select the quiz, and save all settings. You can then ask your students to attempt the exam again.
5) Having two Respondus server profiles that point to the same root LMS URL. This can cause problems with D2L Brightspace Autolaunch of LockDown Browser.
For reasons 1-3 above, opening the LDB Dashboard once for the course (and all others) should resolve these errors. This LTI requirement is always necessary for course copies, and also when a quiz is migrated in from an older course.
Once you open the Dashboard, look for any errors and click the "Fix it" button. You may not see any errors, and this if fine. But the opening of the Dashboard itself will activate the LDB settings for the copy. It is not necessary to re-save each individual quiz's settings. Once you do this, the errors will typically cease for all students who subsequently take their exams.
For reason #5, you should check your Respondus server profiles and ensure that the "URL for root folder of actual D2L system" has a unique D2L URL that is not used by any other server profile.
If none of the above appear to be the source of the problem for your students, the following are potential causes for the error:
6) The error is often caused by the student accessing the exam through a "reminder" entry in a toolbar or calendar. It's important for the student to access the exam by first navigating to the course and then going to the appropriate test area or content area.
7) If the student is going first to the course, then to the content area, but the problem persists, the error could be caused by security settings on the computer, ISP, or network. In most cases, the problematic settings are on the computer itself. Please do the following steps one at a time and afterwards verify if the problem persists.
a) Your computer, ISP, or network might be blocking access to the Respondus servers. Temporarily relax all anti-virus and firewall software on the computer and try the exam again. If the problem persists, try using the computer on a different network, or using a different computer on your main network. Keep in mind that the block could be in the router itself. Bypassing the router and plugging straight into the modem may help.
b) If the error persists, reset your computer's internet options. For Windows users, go to control panel and select "Network and Internet." Once there, click on "Internet Options". On the "Security" tab, ensure that your settings are not higher than "Medium". On the Advanced tab, click "Reset" located under the header "Reset Internet Explorer Settings". In the window that opens, select "Delete Personal Settings" and then click on the Reset button. Doing this will impact all client browsers, not just Internet Explorer.
After resetting the internet options, restart your computer and try to access your exam again.
c) Ensure that you have the correct time and time zone set for your computer.