Symptom: For one course, loading the Dashboard produces a STOP sign error with the text: "Unexpected Error. Please contact the system administrator".
For Blackboard Learn Original View Courses:
First, ensure that none of the exams have passwords that use unsupported characters. For example, a password containing Chinese characters is not supported, and can prevent the LockDown Browser Dashboard from opening.
If you find this not to be the source of the problem, Respondus Support can troubleshoot the issue if you can provide instructor level logon credentials to the problematic course.
For Blackboard Ultra environments:
If the Dashboard loads successfully for all courses but one, the very first thing to inspect are the quiz titles. If any of them have special characters (icons, photos, emoticons, etc.) this will prevent the LockDown Browser Dashboard from opening. Please remove all such special characters, and try opening the Dashboard again.
Additionally, the length of the quiz title can play a role. The exam's title cannot exceed the maximum length allowed in that database field (256 characters). If you notice a very long title, shorten it greatly to see if that resolves the error.
Also, both of the following should be checked:
In Blackboard Ultra-Administrator Tools-"Users: Customize User Information"-"User Information Fields" verify "Username" is checked in the "Display" column along with "First Name" and "Last Name"
Also, it's essential that the user be set to "available" for the integration to work. To check this:
* go to: Administrator Panel Users
* Search for the user and ensure the "status" column shows that user as being available. A red "x" indicates they are unavailable.